Welcome to the G.E.S. Gazette!

We Hope To Be Your Community Newspaper

Welcome to the first issue of the G.E.S. Gazette! My name is David Sabados. For the past two years, I’ve been the publisher and editor of The Denver North Star, a monthly community newspaper serving Denver neighborhoods West of I-25 and North of Colfax. During these last two years, we’ve heard from residents in the Globeville, Elyria, and Swansea neighborhoods, along with the RiNo Art District, asking us to expand. The paper you’re holding in your hands (or reading online) is the first edition of what we hope will become your community newspaper.

Each month, we’ll be profiling community organizations and businesses. We’ll be reporting on what’s happening at city council meetings and in our schools. We’ll be talking about zoning changes and development. On the lighter side, we’ll also be highlighting upcoming shows, concerts, and community events. We hope to be a watchdog against powerful interests and we hope to celebrate what makes these communities wonderful alongside you.

With the election around the corner, this month has a heavier political focus than future issues will, but we felt it was important to give space to the school board candidates and to discuss the stock show bond as well as the other ballot measures. There’s also more of my voice than you’ll see in future issues because we’re looking for more writers! If you’re interested in writing either on the news side or as a columnist, let me know. 

It’s important to us that this paper is free to the community. We don’t put important information behind paywalls or require pricey subscriptions. We’re appreciative of the advertisers who have already started with us and we’re looking for more! We’re also asking for contributions to help us get started. If you want to donate, please use the form on page X. 

We also believe it’s important to ensure information is as accessible as possible regardless of language, which is why the paper prints in both English and Spanish. Some of our writers are bilingual. For the rest of our team, we’re using a Denver-based professional translator who has experience in our communities.

In our December issue, we’ll be sending out a survey asking for feedback on our coverage, but you also don’t need to wait. If you have questions or feedback, please email me at David@DenverNorthStar.com.

We also wanted to invite you to a kickoff celebration. Please join us at the Community Culinary Accelerator – RiNo Art Park (1900 35th St, Denver, CO 80216) on November 9 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. It’s a great way to meet some neighbors and share your thoughts on the new community publication. 

Thank you for reading; after months of planning, we’re excited to have this first issue completed and in your hands!

David Sabados
Publisher and Editor
The Denver North Star and The G.E.S. Gazette

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