If You Don’t See Us On Jan. 15, Check Us Out Online

By David Sabados

Publisher David Sabados

Thank you for being a reader of The G.E.S. Gazette! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the paper these last two years as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it. Back in September, we included a note about how the paper has been struggling financially, and you probably noticed this is the smallest paper we’ve produced.

Unfortunately, the reality for us is that we don’t have the funding needed to continue producing a print publication. While the response from the community saying they appreciate the paper has been heartwarming, we haven’t been able to secure enough advertising revenue, and funding from the grants we’ve received to help in the short term has run out.

After a lot of consideration, we’ve decided that unless something changes in the next few weeks, we’re going to convert the G.E.S. Gazette to an online publication. A purely digital outlet saves a tremendous amount of costs. While we love a print paper, and we know many of you do too, switching to digital also has the added benefit of allowing us to publish more stories outside the current mid-month cycle. While most articles will publish on the 15th of the month like they do now to coincide with our larger publication The Denver North Star, you can expect some timely pieces at other times of the month. 

If you enjoy reading The G.E.S. Gazette, the best thing to do today is to sign up for our emails and, if you’re on Facebook, to follow us there as well. Visit GESGazette.com and sign up for emails on the right hand side. We’ll send out notifications by email and on social media when there are new articles!

We know the website needs some improvements to be more user friendly as well, and we’ll be working on that in 2024. 

So if you check your mailbox mid-January and are wondering where to find all the news about the community you want and don’t see a paper, you’ll find us at GESGazette.com.

David Sabados is the publisher of The G.E.S. Gazette and The Denver North Star newspapers. 

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